And Pharaoh said to Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is no one who can interpret it; and I have heard it said of you that you can understand a dream and interpret it. Joseph answered Pharaoh, It is not in me; God [not I] will give Pharaoh a [favorable] answer of peace. (Gen 41:15-16 AMP).
The Story
Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. His brothers sold him to some Ishmaelites who brought him into Egypt. Joseph was later falsely accused of fooling around with the wife of Potiphar (an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh) and hence was sent to jail. While in jail, he was able to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh’s chief butler and baker.When Pharaoh had a strange dream and no one could interpret it, the butler remembered Joseph. Joseph was brought out of jail. He was able to interpret Pharaoh’s dream with God’s direction.
A dream is a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep. Dreams come from the following sources:-
1. God
2. Thoughts
3. What has been watched, seen, heard or listened to.
This post will focus on dreams from God. God has frequently made use of dreams in communicating his will to men. Such dreams are for a purpose and always for good - either a forewarning so that people can act on it, or sending good news.
Modern Application
Most people dream. The value of the dream is in the interpretation because when a dream is appropriately interpreted, the bearer of the message of God can act on it. God is the giver of interpretation (Gen 40:8).
Some ways to develop dream interpretation:
1. Ask God for the interpretation of your dreams
2. Keep a notebook or voice recording of your dream immediately you wake up
3. Over a period of time check your dream pattern
a. Do they come to pass as it is or in reverse (negative dreams end up positive)
b. What do certain things represent e.g. colors, numbers, symbols, etc.
Questions to think on:
1. What kind of dreams do you have?
2. Do you know anyone you could encourage to seek God for interpreting dreams?
Speaking of dreams, whatever dream God has put in your heart, ask Him to show you what to do to make it come to pass.
Remain gifted.
Interpreting Dreams
Labels: Dreams, Gifts, God, Interpreting Dreams, Joseph
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46 Enriching Comments:
My dreams if I don't share them with any-one usually come to pass BUT if I do say my dream to some-one then it doesn't happen, wierd i've dreamt of a friend getting married and she got married that year!and other things have happened. As they all say dreams can come true!!
Love ur post as usual
i believe in the power of dreams and interpretations, but most times i dont remember my dreams immediately. Its funny cuz i mostly remember when something similar then happens in reality.
I can’t help but agree with you. The value of a dream is indeed in its interpretation. However, in today’s world especially in a society like Nigeria, nightmares make up the bulk of dreams and in fact most people are too stressed out after a tough day that they sleep through the night without the slightest dreams. . . I guess the dying spiritual nature of the world accounts greatly for the inability to hear from God through dreams anymore. Nevertheless, I still believe God speaks to his children through dreams today like he used to in times of old. . . Been a while. Hope we'll see you for a good while.
@ShonaVixen: Then I guess you should not be telling anyone your dreams :-)
You sure do have the gift…
@Funms-the rebirth: Oh Funms Funms…you sure need the voice recorder or writing down your dreams :-) Just maybe you need to be prepared in advance for something…
@Geebee: You struck a chord where you said “most people are too stressed out after a tough day that they sleep through the night without the slightest dreams. . .” In addition, some people think God has stopped speaking to His children through dreams not the other way round – that His children no longer hear when He speaks. Thanks for your enriching comment. I am around…still researching the bible.
I like the idea of keeping a track record of your dreams and after a while checking to see if any came to pass.
Largely now God speaks through His word in the Bible; God used dreams more in the Bible times because the Scriptures had not been written. I think He may use them more in lands where the Bible is not available.
@ Jaycee: I look forward to hearing if it works for you...
@ David C Brown: That was so insightful. I guess that might also explain why we have fewer records of dreams in the new testament. Thank you very much.
I believe in the power of dreams and the relevance of interpretations but i have to agree with GeeBee that what most Nigerians don't have dreams but nightmares.
i am afraid with my own dreams coz sometimes they do come true.and i reached to the point that i prayed that it would be taken away. but now it has come back. im not sure but the last horrifying dream was water rising, some kind of water destruction.i dont even want to go to work after that.i thought it was just my emotions but when news breakout after a week. it did happen and i think if you read the news there were calamaties related to water. they said if you have the gift to see,you have the gift to change. i dunno. i need someone to teach me.
@Anonymous: In addition to having the gift of dreaming, you may have the gift of prophesy and also be in the position of an intercessor.
Ask God to help you develop the gifts and to teach you how to intercede. Whenever you have such dreams, follow up with a prayer of intercession and see the results. It may end up being a near miss, not as catastrophic as would have been, or you would be able to save people by informing them before hand.
quite interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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